Peyton & Paisley @ 6 months!

Hard to believe these little ones are 6 months old now! Time really does fly! I remember when my twins were 6 months old. It was close to Christmas time, and they had just learned to start rolling.. not just over.. but rolling from one end of the room to the other.. lol.. (They were delayed on their milestones because of how premature they were).. but anyways.. they would roll to the Christmas tree.. grab the ribbon and bows off of the presents I had wrapped, and roll back. LOL it was so much fun, such an adventure, &  I sure do miss those itty bitty moments!

I still love this poem about twins 🙂

“So many good things come in pairs.
Like ears and socks and panda bears.
But best of all are sets of twins
with extra laughter, double grins.There’s so much fun in having two
With twice as many points of view.
So much alike forever links.
And yet they’re also quite distinct.They share a birthday and a name.
But moods and tempers aren’t the same.
Although at times they may dispute.
Their loyalty is absolute.

From days of youth till life is done.
It’s one for both and both for one.
We’re all quite novel and precise.
But they’re special, folks! —
God made them twice.”

(Author Unknown)

We did this session both outside and in the studio! Thanks again Dallas & Eric. I have enjoyed seeing your beautiful babies grow before my lens! & it was nice meeting your nephew! 🙂

Dallas wanted some pictures of the girls with her nephew! 🙂 So sweet!




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Mom. Wife.
Storyteller of Life.

let's chase the light together