Ghostly Shootout | Jefferson, Texas

& Now for something completely different.
As artists, photographers will always try new things to keep their minds focused,.. and I do this often to help keep me from getting burned out. As much as photography is a part of my world, it can be overwhelming at times and instead of withdrawing, I just try to do something a little out of my norm to keep my heart in it, and my mind creative.
In this case it was way out of my norm! Luckily I can always count on my little men to help me out.

Bribed with a spooky evening in Jefferson, Texas and some pie.. my twin spooks definitely helped nail the creep factor of this ghostly shoot.

And thanks to one crazy auto immune disorder known as #Alopecia,.. These costumes didn’t require a head shaving. We rock our bald around here.

Also, the knife was added in Photoshop 😉 I thought it just added a bit more to the creep factor. & If you must know, I was totally inspired by The Shining when I signed up to do this shoot-out!<3




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Mom. Wife.
Storyteller of Life.

let's chase the light together