Kristin LaRue is 41 years old, and has been married for over 19 years. She and her husband are proud parents of three young men, -whom she lovingly refers to as her "LaRueligans," shihtzus named Zoey and Millie, and a Maine Coon kitty cat named Hemingway. She resides in Paris, Texas with her family on a 9 acre plot of black land in Northeast Texas.
In her spare time, Kristin enjoys going to concerts, researching her ancestors (she has traced her direct lineage as far back to Charlemagne), seeing movies, lifting weights, and reading books. Kristin has a tom-boyish sense of humor, an INFJ personality type, and an amazing ability of reading people and their emotions; all which play a great part in Kristin's ability of visually telling client's stories and capturing their realness into memories through photographs.
Kristin has been a professional portrait and wedding photographer since 2008. Over the course of a decade and a half, she has developed an international award winning style of fine art portraiture and memory documenting storytelling that is well known to the South, and much loved all over the world.
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